Thursday, February 21, 2013

This week has been awesome! Although I don't feel like I got to spend very much time in my area. The transfer schedule that we are on now at the VC is divided into two 6 hour shifts instead of split up into 3 shifts, which allowed us more time in our area in different times of the day. I had ZLC this week. It is a 6 hour mtg held at the mission home for all the Zone Leaders and Assistants to attend. It is the time that President councils with the leaders in the mission. At the meeting we get taught and trained. President gives us the info that he wants us to pass down to our zones (and VC) and then we do trainings on it. It was a very spiritual meeting. The Beckstrands also came and we all received insight on how to help the Visitor Center. We received training on how to better give commitments and teach towards those commitments that we are planning to extend throughout the whole lesson. We also received a training from Sister Ellsworth on Faith and knowing, accepting and following the Will of God. 
I am excited to be back with Sister Crawford. We are doing well in our companionship and it is easy since we already know how to work with each other and what each other expects of the other.  Sister Crawfords personality is a magnification and reflection of her mom. I am seeing how much influence our parents have on us and the people we are. 
I am so blessed and grateful to have grown up in such a great home with incredible family and parents! Mostly everything that is good about me, is because of that. I probably wouldn't be any better than any other person that struggles with different things had I grown up in their situations. I am no better than most people. I just grew up in better situations. With great blessings comes great responsibility. Because I have been given much, I too must give! I have so much responsibility to love and teach and serve others. I have no excuse to be wayward or disobedient. I will be judged harshly if I choose the wrong path or stray from the right one because I can truly say that I KNOW what is right. I don't know everything, but I know enough. I know enough to help others, and to share my blessings with them. I hope and pray that I can be better so that I can not focus on myself, but focus my efforts on helping others. The scriptures in Luke 22 where the Savior tells Peter: "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." keeps circling in my mind. I want to be converted, so that I can more fully strengthen and help my brothers and Sisters!
Well I love you all! I hope things are going well! 
Thank you so much for your love, thoughts and prayers!
~Sister Shurtz )( O
P.S. Did Tonya get her mission call yet???!!! I can't wait to hear! My guess is Mesa Arizona Mission Proselyting and VC Spanish speaking :) haha. If she doesn't go here, then she will go to Washington DC Visitor Center and proselyting mission. Or she could go to Brazil, or El Salvador. Or she could go to Tennessee.. I really want her to come here though. I think she would love it and do so well! I hope she gets to serve part time at a VC.. But I know wherever she goes will be perfect for her!
P.S.S. Thank you So much for the Package!! I loved it! Sister Crawford says thank you too! I opened it already.. before Valentines Day.. whoops.. :) thank you! You spoil me! 
Also the 525 e Main st address works great for you to send to! Thank you! :)