Monday, December 5, 2011

2 Months Out!

Ah! TWO MONTHS! I know right? Crazy to me! In two weeks I won't be the newbie anymore, There will be other newer missionaries! So fun! Oh dear, I just LOVE being a missionary! How in the world can I tell you everything that goes on here?? There is so much! The Visitors Center is like CHaos but crazy awesome chaos! :) I love it. So our whole goal the whole time is to get referalls from all the people there We have millions of those cards, and our goal is to talk to everyone and get people to fill them out with a referall for us to call after christmas lights,  it's so awesome, helping people and talking to SO many different varieties of people! I love helping others see the joy of missionary work!
My area is doing really good considering the fact that we have little to NO time in the area. Aw it frustrates me, but I know the Lord consecrates our area for the good that we are doing during the lights. We just have one for sure baptism this month but I am really really really banking on having two, possibly three! That would be Romina (for sure) and her husband Marcelo,(I HOPE HOPE HOPE) and maybe Patsy. We're working on her. For more infor on Romina and Marcelo and their awesomeness read lisa's email. :)  I am so excited. I feel like that is THE best Christmas present that I can both give to the Lord and receive as a missionary. SO wonderful. I love the joy I feel when teaching the Lords prepared people. Please keep these three in your prayers. We have others that we are working with and teaching but those are the only ones I think will be ready by the end of this year.
Oh and Sister Hansen and I will be spending Christmas day with Romina and Marcelo! :) :) They invited us, and I am Stoked! Going to be the best day ever, after they both recieve The Gift of The Holy Ghost on Christmas day! Aw so choice! 
 I love you ALL so much! Hugs and Kisses from afar,
LOVE Sister Shurtz