Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Okay I've got to be quick because I can't print emails anymore so it
takes a long time to read and to see all the pictures plus email you
and the president!
Things here are awesome! We had the baptism for Landon Hassell this
weekend! He is so cute and his family is doing so well now! They have
been to church for three weeks in a row now, and we even got Kyla the
mom to go to relief society! They are such a good family. Landon is so
smart. I know that he is going to be a rock in his family and help
them stay on the path.
We found 7 new investigators this week! That was awesome! :) I am so
happy. We also set a date yesterday with a guy named David Rines!!! Oh
man you have no idea! We have been trying soooooo hard and long to
have a lesson with David. His wife is a semi less active member. She
comes sometimes but is always really busy. She is SOO cute and sweet
and their 3 kids are darling! We had talked to Eve like hundreds of
times but we never even talked to David or met him. Finally she said
well come over for dinner sometime and we'll do it that way so he
doesn't feel pressure. So we set up a dinner appt. And he is SO nice
and ready and open! I don't know what Eve was freaking out about. We
had a lesson with him and found that he knows like EVERYTHING already
about our church. He said he has read up and studied up alot on our
church and doctrines. He just said the only thing he lacks is a
spiritual confirmation and prayer. He said that he would pray and
read. Our next lesson, we had really great members and fellowshippers
for them and we set a baptismal date with him for August 18th! I was
sweating bullets with setting it for so soon. But he accepted and he
is just ready!! I am so happy.
Things are going well in the mission and our Zone is one of the top
zones in the mission! Woot! :)
There are now sisters covering the other 4 wards in our stake that we
don't cover. So now this is a Sister Stake- Yay for SISTA POWER! We
are gonna rock it!
We also have two new investigators. They are named Kc and John
Dikorte. Kc has grown up around the church and has taken lessons
before. I feel like she is ready but that she wants to make the
decision to join and attend church with her husband. He now says he is
willing to listen, but he has heard alot of wrong and bad things about
our church and so he has a lot of hard questions about polygamy etc.
He has ready  alot of literature, which was sited and all so it's
supposedly correct although most anti mormon literature is sited but
extremely twisted in its explanation. Anyway he will be a tough cookie
to crack and his heart is kinda hard. But he said he will listen and
that we can try to help him have an open heart about all this!
We had interviews with our mission president this week and they went
well. President Ellsworth is incredible. I am amazed at the selfless
service that he and his wife give. All their time and thoughts and
efforts are given in this great cause of missionary work and helping
their 200 missionaries to succeed and be better. I don't think they
have any time to themselves. I am so grateful for their service.
President encouraged me to use the For the Strength of Youth Pamphlets
more in our teaching since we are teaching a lot of younger kids that
need parental permission for baptism. We are still working on Drew. We
still have lessons with him and his dad. Our bishop is meeting with
Drew and his mom tonight so I really hope and pray he can get
permission for baptism tonight!
I don't know if I ever told you about Iriwinta and Aldred Begay and
their two kids Dominique and Cheyanne. They are a Native American
family that I gave a tour to at the Visitor Center a couple months
ago. Since the tour I have been teaching them over the phone and they
would come into the VC frequently to see me and have me teach them
lessons! I got them transferred to missionaries and I just got a text
from Irwinita saying that they are all getting baptized August 10. And
she wants me to participate in the baptism! I am so HAPPY! I won't be
able to go or participate because I am not in the area or anything but
I am so happy for them! Irwinita is always giving me things. She gave
me a beautiful indian beaded braclet with my name on it and a necklace
with earrings in a home made pouch thing. She is so sweet and I am so
happy for this wonderful family!! I also had the opportunity to meet
her mom who was visiting her daughter, and teach her about our church
also. The spirit was really strong and she said that when she got back
to the reservation that she would start attending our church.
Lots of good things are happening here on the mission.  I love and
miss you all!
Oh a cool recipe I learned here on the mission is
2 cups of Bisquick
1/2 cup of sour cream
and a cup of 7-up.
They are So good! A family from the south fed us yesterday and had
made them. thought I'd share.
Well I love you all! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
~Sister Michelle Shurtz

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